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by Elder B. E. Echols

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By Elder B.E. Echols


Now released to public domain by the family of the Late Elder B.E. Echols.



I present this book on "The Sin of Lying'' to my many friends, church folk of our faith, and the public in general, after having made an extensive study and research of this damnable sin

and also, after having given lectures and Bible lessons in many Northern and Southern states concerning almost everything presented. Seeing that it proved to be one of the most awakening and heart-searching messages that God ever gave me, I have felt urged to put it into book form so that it might be placed into the hands of people who might never have the opportunity to hear teaching upon this subject. It takes the Holy Ghost to reveal the sinfulness of sin, and when it is thus revealed, things are made to appear to the natural man as though one could never be saved; but that is the outlook of the human mind without taking God into consideration. After listening to our Lord's teaching on some important matters, the apostles once asked Him: "Who then can be saved?'' Jesus answered them by saying: "The things which are impossible with men are

possible with God.'' Just as certain as the Holy Ghost reveals the sinfulness of sin, it also provides the means and power by which one can rid himself of sin, of any nature, and keep himself from becoming contaminated with it again. See Rom. 8:2-4 and Acts 1:8.

Your study of this sin will likely bring you to the place where you will quake and tremble in your mind and spirit, if not in the flesh as Moses did when God appeared on Mt. Sinai; but it is good for us to be stripped of all our self-righteous garments occasionally and be made to see our human frailness and our need of God. As the old hymn goes, "I need Thee, O I Need Thee; every hour I need Thee.'' May the reading of this book give you the hymn writer's vision of your need of God.





"The Sin of Lying'' is one of the most damnable and common sins of the human race. More people have been guilty of lying, in some form or other, than of any other sin which man has ever committed; and there is no doubt as to the final consequences of this sin if it is not repented of before one dies. The Bible plainly informs us that "ALL liars, SHALL HAVE their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone,'' (Rev. 21:8). On the other hand, we are informed by the Psalmist David that only those who speak the truth from their heart will be allowed to dwell in God's holy hill and tabernacle (Psa. 15:1,2). A lying tongue is

something which God hates, and any sane person could not perceive of God permitting anyone to enter heaven with something that his Lord held such an attitude toward. The

Lord further proved His attitude toward lying by slaying the first two people who were guilty of the sin of lying in the New Testament church, namely, Ananias and his wife, Sapphira. If

God will not allow people who lie to remain in His church on this earth, He certainly is not going to permit them to enter heaven to defile it with their lying.

The sin of lying dates back to the garden of Eden. Old Satan told his first lie to mankind when he lied to Eve. Therefore, he won the contemptible title of being "The father of lies'' (John

8:44). All liars are going to spend eternity with their father in the lake of fire. I fear that some people are not going to be so fond of their father, the Devil, after they see what he has led them into. Because the Devil introduced this sin at the very time man fell from his high and holy state, it has become a part of his carnal nature to lie. David informs us that "The wicked

are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies,'' (Psa. 58:3). This goes to prove that it is the fallen nature of man to lie. Many children are guilty of lying before they ever reach the age of accountability --before they know right from wrong. Some of the most distinguished characters of the Bible have at some time or another been guilty of lying. Among this list we find Sarah Abraham's wife, Isaac, Jacob, and David. No wonder David came to the place that he took so many precautions against committing this sin. See Psa. 17:3 and 141:3. Many "men of HIGH degree are a lie,'' as David

said (Psa. 62:9). We run into so much lying at times until we think or say about the same thing as the Psalmist: "I said in my haste, "ALL men are liars.'' Thank God, it has always been true

that there are a few people who tell the truth. Hell is going to be filled with liars. If God would excuse the human race of all other

damnable sins and send only those to hell who had some time or another told or acted a lie, hell would still be a densely populated place. Some people will go to hell for lying, if they are not careful, who would not intentionally tell a lie. The devil slips this sin over on many people unaware. You will be thoroughly convinced

of the truth of this statement after

you have finished reading the various forms of lying that we present further on in this book.

Many people let lies slip out of their mouths before they ever discover they are telling one. Such statements must be corrected and repented of or to hell one will go. Remember the Bible says all liars will spend an endless eternity in the burning pit, that is, those who do not repent of telling them.




Lying is defined by Webster as being "An untruth, falsehood; something that creates a false impression,'' etc. A FALSEHOOD is defined as being a statement that distorts or suppresses

the truth, and AN UNTRUTH is defined as being an INCORRECT statement. Remember this, there is but one way around telling the truth, and that is TO LIE. Any time a person

undertakes to avoid telling the truth, he is going to lie if he says or does anything otherwise. Remember this also, there is no rubber in the truth --you cannot stretch the truth --and, that

there are NO "truthful liars.''


Another good definition of a lie is given by a certain writer. He

says, "A lie is universally defined as saying to another that which is not true.'' God help me and help you to tell the truth. One may think that he will gain by lying, and it may appear that way at first; but he will certainly find out to his own sorrow that it would have paid him to have told the truth, regardless of the first cost. We shall now proceed to our study of "The

Various Forms of Lying.''




We are informed by the Word of God that the Lord that they think you have performed wonderfully, and then make fun or mock as soon as you turn your back or when they make mention of your efforts to others. One has to watch what he says when he compliments one for his singing, testifying, giving, preaching, musical performance, appearance, manner of dress, etc., or he will lie. He must tell them exactly what he thinks and feels from his heart, if he says anything, and tells the truth. We are living in "An Age of Flattery.'' Almost everyone seems to be contaminated more or less with the spirit of flattering folk -lying to them. One

cannot be a Christian or a true disciple of Jesus Christ and lie about anything. While the Devil is the father of all lying, Jesus

is the Father of truth (John 14:6). Solomon was right when

he said, "A flattering mouth worketh ruin.'' One of Israel's gross sins, which they committed while wandering in the wilderness, was their flattering God with their mouth (Psa. 78:36). Of all flattering and lying that one could be guilty of, there is none worse than flattering God. So be careful how you flatter any of God's people today, for God considers anything you do

to them as though you did it to Him (Matt. 25:40). People who sin by flattering someone with a lying tongue are considered, by the Lord, to be very wicked (Psa. 5:9). Therefore, "Let not

your lips speak that which is not in your heart,'' --The Talmud.



While this is one of the various forms of lying, it is also another form of "two-faced lying.'' It comprises lying by statements and reports by the same persons which do not agree. One cannot tell the same thing differently and tell the truth. God is going to CUT OFF all flattering lips (Psa. 12:3). All insincere praise

and compliments come under this classification of lying. It is

one of those forms of "Two-faced lying,'' for "With flattering lips and with a DOUBLE tongue do they speak.'' Yes, flattering liars will pretend to your face this form of lying is very destructive to the offender "PERVERSENESS of transgressors shall DESTROY them,'' --Solomon. The Wise Man also advises us to put perverse lips far from us (Prov. 4:24) and instructs us: "He

that is perverse in his ways shall fall AT ONCE.'' Too, this is another form of disguised lying which one has to take much precaution against or he will find himself guilty of committing

the sin.



To exaggerate means to overstate, stretch, magnify, color, etc. So one has to watch and see that he does not exaggerate when he is sending in or giving reports of meetings, Bible

Conferences, camp-meetings, conventions, healings, revivals, experiences, fishing or hunting trips, what he bought with a dollar, etc. Any time he overstates things he is guilty of

exaggeration--lying. Keep this in mind, there is no rubber in the truth; it cannot be stretched. The Wise Man says, "Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou

be found a liar,'' (Prov. 30:6). So any kind of adding to the truth makes a lie out of it. It is a very easy matter to lie in this manner.



This form of lying is just opposite or reverse to the one just defined. It is committed by taking from instead of adding to. One is tempted to do this more often when he is reporting what others have done, especially if there is any ill-will or jealousy buried in his unchristian heart. One is warned of the danger of this act in Rev. 22:19. What is true concerning God's Word is also true concerning taking away from or diminishing the truth.



It takes great self-control and great sensitiveness to the checks of the Spirit to order our conversations aright and steer clear of lying, when it comes to everyday manners, customs and living up to the modern rules of etiquette. David says, "They speak vanity every one with his neighbors ... and with a DOUBLE heart do they speak.'' So when a person speaks with a DOUBLE heart, he is not speaking out of a truthful heart. If there is any truth at all in his heart, it is contaminated with lies. One cannot tell the hostess that he has enjoyed a dinner when he has discovered flies in the beans, worms in the peas or a hair in the butter, without telling a lie. Many have forgotten that God's Word says, "ALL liars shall have their part in the lake.'' These polite and mannerly lies will land one just as deeply in hell as any other lie that was ever told. It is almost impossible for one to live up to the rules of etiquette and the manners and customs of our day, in every respect, and tell the truth. Remember this, the old devil is a very polite fellow in many respects and he is likely the instigator of some of the

rules of etiquette that are laid down for us to follow, though they have been written by the band of man.