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Goodbye Granny Dix

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Granny Dix is back! After years of being out of print, and with the new mindset of our nation, she insists on coming back!

Lynda Allison Doty adroitly uses moving, well-written stories based on facts to crusade against ominous tides of evil that assault our world.  I sincerely appreciate and wholeheartedly endorse her clarion voice against abortion—the wholesale murder scheme regarded as smart, legal, and respectable by many.

In Goodbye, Granny Dix, Lynda courageously deals with another villainous plan, euthanasia—so-called mercy killing of the elderly—not yet legal but rapidly moving toward general acceptance. Observe the irony of a murder scheme propagated behind the tender word mercy, an essential requisite of our salvation!

Since Christians need to be aware of this diabolic plot now forming against the aged, 1 strongly recommend that you read Goodbye, Granny Dix—and PRAY.

---Nona Freeman

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